Gender-Affirming Care is a Human Right
Aotearoa can be a place where takatāpui and rainbow communities live with dignity, equity, and bodily integrity – where their mana is upheld. To tu...
Protect the Hauraki Gulf
Dear Chris and Sandy, It’s wrong to make short term profit by exploiting the ecosystems we all rely on – right? The people of Aotearoa want healthy...
Submit for Climate Action
Tell the Government to commit to a strong emissions reduction target Creating a submission is your opportunity to share your perspective with deci...
Treaty Principles Submission Guide
Ensure that your voice is heard on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill through making a unique submission. Creating a submission is you...
Ditch the Bootcamps
In Aotearoa we want the best for our children. Wrapping aroha and support around young people who have run into trouble gives them the opportunity ...
Treaty Principles Poll
The Treaty Principles Bill is set to create division and rip apart the fabric of our country. It is an afront to the shared respect and understandi...
MACA Submission Guide
Use your voice to stop the Government from enacting raupatu (confiscation) Iwi and hapū rights to their customary waters are part of tino rangatir...
Build Dunedin Hospital
For $3 billion, would you rather give landlords a tax cut or deliver on the full Dunedin Hospital upgrade, which would provide: 410 beds. ...
Oil & Gas Quick Submissions 2024
Sign on this page to send your quick submission to the Select Committee on the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill. Fossil fuels are not our future. The ...
Oil & Gas Ban Submission Guide 2024
The Government has introduced legislation to overturn the offshore oil and gas ban. This is dangerous and irresponsible in the midst of a climate c...
Stop fast-track destruction
It’s obvious why New Zealanders are so proud of our natural world. Few places across the world possess such stunning natural environments and uniqu...
Protect te reo Māori in kura
Kia mau ki te reo Māori o Aotearoa. Ākona te ao. Pūpuritia! Retain the Māori language of Aotearoa. Teach it to the world. Preserve this national tr...
Demand better for renters - Sign our open letter
Tēnā koe Prime Minister, As an owner of seven properties, we hope that this letter sheds some light about what life is like for those renting thei...
Keep our streets safe
Every child deserves the freedom to walk and bike to school safely in Aotearoa. Make sure the government hears your voice on their planned changes...
Protect Freshwater
Make sure the government hears your voice on their planned amendments of the Resource Management Act. Their proposal risks destroying waterways, en...
Cut the Coal Petition
Petition Begins: The Coalition Government plans to superpower the climate crisis with new coal mining. We’re here - and we need you - to stand up ...
Marine Farm Consents
Make sure you tell the government that we will not accept damage to our oceans. Creating a submission is your opportunity to share your perspecti...
Protect nature from Govt assault
Tēnā koe Prime Minister, Re: Anti-environment fast-track approval legislation Your Government’s blatant disregard for environmental protection has...
Join the fight to end fossil fuels
The new National, Act and New Zealand First Government wants to start looking for oil and gas in New Zealand’s ocean. It is one of the most irrespo...
End Perpetual Leases on Māori Land
As we honour the 183rd anniversary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we must consider both the future we want to build and the legacy of our past. We look t...
Expand the Voting Age - Make it 16
We are calling on all Members of Parliament to expand the voting age to 16. Now more than ever, young people in Aotearoa are impacted by Governmen...
It's time to get on with it, and pedestrianise Queen Street
We’re calling on Auckland Council to get moving with the pedestrianisation of Queen Street. Imagine a Queen Street lined with local eateries and sm...
The Healthy Oceans Project
Green MPs are continuing to push for change to treasure our moana and restore it to health. They need a team of people behind them who can help kee...
Help change ACC so all survivors of sexual assault can receive the right help when they need it.
It can take a lot for a survivor of sexual assault to reach out for help, and when they do, they definitely shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to...
Level the playing field for people who rent
Everyone deserves to live in a warm, dry home and a Rental Warrant of Fitness (WoF) would help us achieve this. Right now, the power imbalance betw...
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