Green MPs are continuing to push for change to treasure our moana and restore it to health. They need a team of people behind them who can help keep the health and protection of our oceans high on the Coaliton Government’s political agenda.

Join our Healthy Oceans Crew to find out how you can help, and for updates on how we’re tracking:



In Aotearoa, our existence is intertwined with the ocean. It touches our lives every day – changing tides; surf breaks; the treasures of its depths and its shallows. Salt spray and the wash of waves on our rugged coastlines provide nourishment and ground us in a shifting world.

Oceans provide a home for all of Tangaroa’s children, and provide us with kaimoana too. By absorbing heat and carbon dioxide our oceans buffer us from the worst impacts of climate change. The sea is our vast lifeblood on this precious planet.

But our oceans urgently need help – Tangaroa provides for us, and so we need to give back to Tangaroa. Not only is sea life suffering from the impacts of climate change, but destructive fishing methods, overfishing, and seabed mining are causing underwater ecosystems to collapse. Each year, thousands of seabirds - as well as dolphins, seals, and turtles - continue to be killed as fishing bycatch.

Let’s change this. The Government needs to:

  • support international efforts for marine protection
  • create a strong network of new marine protected areas around Aotearoa
  • develop a new kaitiakitanga-focused approach to managing marine ecosystems, including fisheries, which honours and upholds Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • use mātauranga Māori, led by Māori in ocean management
  • better fund marine science
  • require cameras on all commercial fishing vessels
  • ban seabed mining in Aotearoa New Zealand’s waters.

Join our Healthy Oceans Crew to help our MPs push the Government to make this happen.

💚 You don’t need to be an expert on marine life, fisheries, or how the government works.

💚 You just need to care about the health of our oceans and be willing to help Green MPs keep a spotlight on this issue.