Sign this petition
The Green Party wants to go further and faster on climate action, which means removing all public money managed by the Government from climate-changing fossil fuel industries.
Sign on to our plan to change the rules for a climate friendly future.
We need 5,000 signatures
Latest supporters
Marshall Tahere
Stefan Lua
Karen Issell
Jacinta Taiapa
Eru Henare-Findlay
Greta Maingay
Kate McCarthy
Andy Dartmann
peronne grut
Rodney Forlong
Myffie James
Belle Hegglun
Dagmara Rudolph
Natasha Courtney
Ramtin Ahmadi
Gofuck Yourself
Lily Phillips
Shanti King
Joyti Rai
Eliza White
Ish Doney
julie Sickmann
Naomi Wade
Finn Harvey
John Guytonbeck
Diana Diaz
Carla Henderson
Lesley Parker
Jess LaTrobe