Renters' Rights with Chlöe and Ricardo
We don’t live in a game of Monopoly. We can and should change the rules when they don’t work. That’s supposed to be the point of our Parliament.
Join Green MPs Chlöe Swarbrick and Ricardo Menéndez March for a Sunday afternoon kōrero about the Greens call for a Rental Warrant of Fitness, landlord and property manager register, and rent controls.
Come along to join the discussion and ask questions to the Green MPs fighting for your rights in Parliament. All are welcome, but we encourage renters especially to join us with their ideas and questions.
SOAP Dance Hall will have a bar open at the end of the event. MPs may or may not put on a questionable playlist and pretend to DJ.
Please RSVP on this page. For COVID safety reasons, numbers are limited and priority will be given to those who have RSVP’d.
Please wear your mask and sign in when you arrive, to help keep us all safe from COVID-19.