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To tell Chris Quin (CEO of Foodstuffs North) and Sandy Botterill - (Head of Environmental and Social Governance) that the people of Aotearoa want our high-protection marine areas to be exactly that - protected from fishing.
We need 4,000 signatures
Latest supporters
Charlie Pollard
Rachel Davis
Dana Salih Toogood
Te Rena Williams
Tess Pilkington
Victoria Lowman
Paul Lowman
Jashika Rai
Hans ellehuus
Katherine Cambridge
Anne Allen
John Allen
Chris Lowman
Elizabeth Mauala
Felix Lange
Ngahuia Lott
Tamara Cartwright
Nikita Richardson
maria brown
Mike Clough
Lose Moala
William Walker
Christine Rogan
Christine T
Belinda Tuari-Toma
Catherine Wishart
Mina Phillips
Jocelyn Papprill
Mary Aue