Dear Chris and Sandy,

It’s wrong to make short term profit by exploiting the ecosystems we all rely on – right?

The people of Aotearoa want healthy oceans, with an abundance of kaimoana and flourishing ecosystems. In Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, this is particularly obvious in our love for and concern about Tīkapa Moana, the Hauraki Gulf.

Funnily enough, Foodstuff’s own website’s sourcing and sustainability page states ‘for too long, overfishing has had a significant impact on our ocean life.’

Many have expressed dire concern around the last-minute changes to the Tīkapa Moana Hauraki Gulf Marine Protection Bill which will allow commercial fishers to carry out ring-net fishing in two of the proposed high-protection areas. You have previously sourced fish from businesses who will profit from this anti-science, anti-ecosystem decision. 

We are writing to ask that you make a public commitment to not source or sell fish from the Hauraki Gulf high protection areas.

Moreso, we implore you to live up to your own stated values and tell the Government you want to see the Hauraki Gulf protected from over-fishing – to make clear you do not support these last-minute changes that undermine biodiversity protection and take us further away from our goal of restoring the mauri of Tīkapa Moana.

Chris, Sandy, and the wider Foodstuffs team – please do the right thing and say no to commercial fishing in our precious marine protected areas.


The people of Aotearoa New Zealand.