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Sign the open letter asking Minister Sepuloni to change the law so all pain and suffering caused by traumatic births and birth injuries can be covered by ACC
We need 40,000 signatures
Latest supporters
Ngaire Ngata
Garry Snedden
Tim Snedden
Amy Snedden
Huia Crosby
Neecia Majolly
Madison Keller
Jessica McKay
Macaila Pescud
Alecia Burrows
Anita West
Fiona Chapman
Sonya Blumberg
Kelly Quiney
Rian Stuart Burdett
Ma Cathrina Viernes
Lezaan Haupt
Lisa H
Prue Fea
Marianne Riley
Prudence Raine
Amber Harris
Jordan Lott
Graeme Hawley
Dagan McGregor
Penny Finn
Alice Boultbee
Daimon Pitiroi
Alix Gibson
Kelly Morris