TPPA Hamilton Protest

Join Green MP Jan Logie and take a stand against the TPPA.

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August 15, 2015 at 1:00pm - 2pm
Starting from outside Cock & Bull car park
4 Maui St
Hamilton 3200
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Patricia Lemire Troy Michie Tracy Tuheke Aaron Wong Jane McLeod Tyla Armstrong David Robinson Wendy Harper Ari Lewis Alice Walter John Lawson Donna Phillips Annette van Zeist Jackie Fitchman Mariella Brunton Alvina Ropata Edwards Gerard Kelly Zalene Douglas Natalie Hemmings Sue Lawrence Mischele Rhodes Glenn Rangitonga Donna Phillips Kate Hayward Anna Casey-Cox Theo Rosenberg Paul Quinn Josh Hunt Emma Webb Gerald Gehrke Miriam Ruberl Mason Pickering Shannon Laugesen Ngapera Mana Alix Higby Aaron Staats Andrew Terwiel Wakerori Rooney Athena Chambers Georgie Dansey Robyn Scanlen Claire Hallam Daryl Silcock Erica Rose allie knight Andy Blackford Lisa Pavreal Tom & Marie Cass

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