Sign this petition
Let’s make sure the Prime Minister knows we won’t accept a blanket increase to speeds and the harm this will cause. Sign here to support our petition to protect safer speeds.
We need 5,000 signatures
Latest supporters
Kieran Lee
Beverly LardnerBurke
Abby Cunnane
Patricia Dribnenki
Deborah Yates
Andrej Ricnik
Leonie Walker
Aimee Payne
Matt Carey
Derek Wilshere
Niki Gladding
Michael Barnett
David Bond
Robert Gregory
Sue Novell
Neil Peacock
Olivia Johnson
Sara Gordon
Russell Tregonning
Patricia Scott
Irene Swadling
Rod Markham
Susan Krumdieck
Tania Strauss
Awhina Rapana
Bradley Moorfield
Robert McCormick
Renee Brad
Petro Su