Tēnā koe Prime Minister, 

As an owner of seven properties, we hope that this letter sheds some light about what life is like for those renting their homes. One in three households rent, and are being left behind by this Government.  

Over the last month, the Green Party has asked renters up and down the country to share their stories and experiences of renting with us.  

Renters have overwhelmingly told us that their homes are cold, damp, and unaffordable. 

Renters have told us that they feel – and are – systematically disempowered when dealing with landlords and property managers. 

Too many renters are making impossible choices between feeding their kids and themselves, paying for heating, and covering their rent. One in five people told us they were forgoing food and heating to pay their rent. 

Too many renters are afraid to ask for things to be fixed out of fear the landlord will hike the rent or kick them out. Your Government’s proposed no-cause evictions undermine every other supposed right they have.  

These issues affect renters from all walks of life. We have heard from pensioners, parents, workers and students across the motu.  One survey respondent told us: “I've discovered mould forming on my clothes regardless of the number of times the bedroom is ventilated, cleaned and dehumidified... During the cold nights we can see our breath even if we try to heat our rooms.” 

The status quo is a crisis in housing, health, and inequality. 

Prime Minister, you can fix these problems. You also should not actively make them worse. 

We’re calling on you to FIX RENTING through these actions: 

  • Limit rent increases, so that no renter is priced out of their home and their community and so people aren’t hit with unpredictable and unaffordable rent hikes 
  • Ensure every single home is warm and dry through a Rental Warrant of Fitness  
  • Require landlords to be registered, and introduce regulation for property managers so there is genuine oversight and accountability  
  • Give renters the right to stay in their homes and put down roots – scrap your proposal for no-cause evictions  
  • Guarantee affordable housing for all New Zealanders by investing in public housing  

We urge you to take responsibility and take action. 

A decent and affordable home is a human right. You have the power to make it a reality. 

Ngā mihi nui, 

Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick 
Green Party Co-leaders