Sign this petition
Everyone who experiences sexual violence should be able to access the help they need. However, in order for victims of violence to have their ACC claims approved, they currently must be diagnosed with a psychiatric condition.
This means survivors/victims get labelled with a diagnosis they may feel does not fit, which can be re-traumatising and stigmatising. This can also have consequences in the future, over issues such as insurance medical checks.
Sign the petition now and demand that survivors of sexual violence get the help they need - without the unnecessary and harmful barriers!
A 2010 review of ACC’s sensitive claims pathway found that the pathway was initially created without adequate consultation. The review noted that requiring clients to have a DSM diagnosis is a significant deterrent for those who need treatment.
This process is not required under law.
We’re calling on ACC Minister Nikki Kaye to instruct ACC to change its processes so that a diagnosis is not needed in order for victims of sexual violence to be able to receive the treatment they need.