Aotearoa can be a place where takatāpui and rainbow communities live with dignity, equity, and bodily integrity – where their mana is upheld.

To turn this ambition into a reality we must ensure that our trans whānau have access to life-saving gender-affirming healthcare that is based on informed consent and self-determination. This includes puberty blocker medications, which can be used to delay the changes of puberty in transgender and gender-diverse youth who have started puberty.

However, the National-led Government is considering restrictions on puberty blocker medications for trans children, and those questioning their gender identity. They have opened up public consultation on this.

To build on the effective response from community organisations, we recommend you email [email protected] stating that there should continue to be no restrictions on the use of puberty blocker medication in gender-affirming care. Take a look at the community-led submission guides linked below.

It is possible to submit to Manatū Hauora through an online survey, but we recommend emailing [email protected] as this allows for more freedom in how you show support for our trans tamariki.

Please note that public consultation closes 20 January 2025. Take action now to protect our trans whānau.

Below are resources created by community to inform you about the Manatū Hauora public consultation on the use of puberty blocker medication in gender-affirming care:

1. Puberty blockers review — Te Ngākau Kahukura 

This is an overview page with links to multiple resources, including a copy of their own organisation’s submission, others’ submissions, clinical and community statements on puberty blockers, and links to Ministry of Health review information

2. PATHA - Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa - Guidelines for gender affirming care

2018 guidelines on Puberty Blockers produced by PATHA, an interdisciplinary professional organisation working to promote the health, wellbeing, and rights of transgender people. 

3. Analysis of puberty blockers review by Gender Minorities Aotearoa

This is an excellent detailed analysis of the Ministry’s review. It includes their organisation’s position on the matter, an explanation of how the review itself is discriminatory, issues with the online feedback form, and a list of further sources

4. Submission guide for puberty blocker restrictions - InsideOUT

This is a step by step guide on how to make a submission in favour of Gender-Affirming Care and access to puberty blockers. It provides BOTH a guide for using the (problematic) MoH online feedback form, AND how to submit via email. It also includes ‘further resources’

5. How To: Submit in favour of gender-affirming care. | by PostingDad | Nov, 2024 | Medium

Similar to point 4 above, but specifically for the online form

6. How you can stand up for trans kids being targeted by this government by Emily Writes

Similar again to points 4 and 5 above, but specifically for submissions via email

7. Submission to Ministry of Health by NZPOTC

This is a submission from New Zealand Parents and Caregivers of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children (NZPOTC)

8. MoH Submission Portal for (problematic) online form

For if you don’t want to send an email.