Our Submission form has now closed.

Thank you to all our submitters. Your stories will be passed on to the Health Select Committee.

We will keep you updated on developments

To stay in touch with Chlöe, you can email [email protected]



Kiwis deserve legal and affordable access to medicinal cannabis.

The Health Select Committee is about to consider the government's changes to medicinal cannabis law. This is your chance to tell politicians they have not gone far enough.

Right now, thousands are suffering needlessly without access; many are risking their livelihoods and their clean record for a bit of relief.

The government's changes provide some solace for terminally ill patients but they do little to stop the criminalisation of those with a chronic illness. We need your voice to make it happen.

Make a quick and easy submission to ensure everyone has legal access to the medicine they need.

To get you started, you could tell the Committee: 

  • how the current law affects you, your family or friends
  • how the proposed law has gaps you want to see filled
  • the harm suffered if we delay real reform now

Personal stories can change minds. Tell the Committee yours. 

How to submit

Simply fill out the form on this page.

Use the comment box to tell the Committee about your experiences and to ask them to fix the current law.

Ensure you tick if you want to speak or sign to the committee. Your submission will carry more weight if you speak to the Committee directly but you don't have to.

Submissions close: Wednesday, 21 March 2018.


*Check out this guide for further information on making a submission

*Please note: your submissions will be published in their entirety on the Parliament website alongside your name. If you wish to include information you consider private in your submission, please email the Committee Secretariat for advice.