Tell the Government to remove restrictions on when Māori can change electoral rolls
The Justice Committee is calling for submissions on the Electoral (Māori Electoral Option) Legislation Bill
Currently electors who identify as Māori may only switch between the general and Māori rolls each census year. The Electoral (Māori Electoral Option) Legislation Bill proposes to allow Māori voters to switch rolls between elections at almost any time. The only exception to being able to move between electoral rolls is during the period of a parliamentary by-election for an electorate in which an elector resides or moves to (unless a local election is being held at the same time).
The Green Party is pushing for no restrictions to when Māori can change electoral rolls.
Submissions are open now and close 11:59pm on Saturday 30 July 2022.
Making a Submission
1. Click here
2. Choose “As an individual” – unless you are submitting on behalf of an organisation.
3. Choose yes to the question “Do you wish to make an oral submission to the committee?” You can always change your mind later on.
4. On the next page you’re asked to make comments. Introduce yourself (pepeha, electorate, how long you’ve been voting). Personalise any of these statements for greater impact on the Justice Committee members. Start with…
- It’s the 21st century. We’re surrounded by technology. I don’t understand why Māori should have to wait five years to change rolls.
- Changing rolls at any time upholds the Crown’s Te Tiriti o Waitangi commitments.
- The Electoral Commission themselves following the 2017 Election said that Māori should be able to change roll type whenever.
- As more Māori wards are created in local government, I want the option to change rolls at any time.
- There is no evidence that Māori will seek to change roll types in large numbers to try and influence the result.
- I don’t get why Māori should be restricted in any way when it comes to changing rolls.
- The time I’m most likely to think about the roll I’m on is before an election, so I should have the right to change rolls at that time.
5. Then you’re asked to make recommendations. Start with...
- No restrictions to when Māori can change rolls.
- A public information campaign to Māori voters on both rolls at the start of a local body election year AND a general election year.
6. On the following page you can confirm what you’ve written. You’ll receive a confirmation e-mail once you’ve submitted.
7. Done!
Thank you for your commitment to making voting in the 21st century smooth as